Friday, May 3, 2013

Yes, another travel blog. But I promise you will like me.

I am not sure the world needs another travel blog. But, you all are stuck with me anyway. Sorry!

If it makes you feel any better, I won't just be writing about travel, I'll also be writing about the great city I live in --- DC.

While it might make sense to start my blog in the present. Or perhaps start from "the beginning" -- when I fell in love with travel in the first place, but that would take us way back. And to be honest, you don't want to see me with a bad perm and giant 80's style glasses.

So, I'll sum it up for you until, say 2012, and we can go from there. I have great parents. (Hi Mom! Hi Dad!) They took my brother and I on some great trips as kids -- Hawaii, Mexico, Jamaica. When we got older, we branched out a little. Australia, Cayman Islands. When we became full-on adults with our own money and lives, it got even better. Family trips to Egypt, Dominican Republic, France, just to name a few.

I had the travel bug early, and my brother has it too, so it must be in the genes. I took high school trips to Italy and Greece. I studied abroad in college in Prague and traversed most of Europe, though at this point there are still a few countries I am missing. I went to India for spring break my senior year of college, and loved it, and had a chance to return for a friend's wedding about 5 years later.

In my 20's and early 30's I travelled a lot - back to Europe for more (Germany, Malta, Portugal, Spain, Croatia), Central America and the Caribbean as well, and back to Australia.

By the time 2012 rolled around, I had visited 36 countries -- maybe a few more if you count Gibraltar and other non-country autonomous areas like the Travelers Century Club folks do.

Which brings me to the best thing about working for a non-profit for many, many years: the sabbatical. Yes, it's true, my organization gave me three months off (paid!) to do whatever I wanted.  Unlike the academics sabbatical, I didn't have to further my career. The goal was to rest, relax and recharge.

Once I found out I was going, I began to plan the longest trip of my life -- around the world. Stay tuned for my obsessive planning and fun with airline miles!

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